Completed short assignments


For this short assignment I used the 'pen tool' in after effects to draw around the space shuttle, I then erased the background to the space shuttle and inserted the clip of the Earth behind it. This is called masking, when two separate clips are 'masked' together to create a new clip, erasing the unwanted section of the clips. 

Motion Tracking 
Motion tracking is used to solve distorted and uneasy video footage and make it seem smooth and steady. This is done by using the stabalize motion option on after effects. You must select an area in which to track for the motion, then select two contrast colour such as white & black using the selector tool. This then able's the programme to track the motion within the selected area. 

This is called a 'moto', it is the combination between a photograph and a movie, to create a moving image. The idea behind it is to create, what appears to be a still photograph, with some unexpected movement. See my research page for link to photographer Greg Williams work using moto's. 

I did this by using after effects, I used a short section of footage to create this. Firstly I made a copy of the footage I had chosen to use, this means that one footage (layer) will act as the background and the other as the foreground. I then selected a frame out of some footage on top layer (foreground layer) and created a 'freeze frame', this would act as my still image. 
I then used to pen tool, to mask around selected subject in the 'freeze frame', this meant that when I masked out the selected area's of the freeze frame, the second layer which held the footage would play through these masks, creating a moving photograph or moto. It's a similar to the 'masking' task at the top, just using a freeze frame, rather than two movie pieces of footage.

This exercise is the same exercise as the top short assignment, however I feel this assignment has worked better.

2.5D is an image that has been edited and produced to give the idea that it is footage.

To do this, I firstly opened Photoshop, and selected one of my photographs which had a foreground, mid ground and background. I then selected the tree in the red box as my foreground, the two orange boxes for my mid ground and the yellow box for my background and placed them on seperate layers. 

I then opened this file in after effects where I created a 'camera' which acts as feel camera moving round an object. This then meant that the camera would use the foreground to background layers I created in photoshop as a real location, changing the tree's perspective as a camera would if it where to move around them.

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